Saturday, July 30, 2011

There's always room for more nerdy posts!

I'm taking a break from my serious biz real life musings to make a post consisting entirely of GIFS to express how I feel about "A Dance with Dragons," as well as having to wait what will probably amount to another ten years for the next GRRM book. I finished the book a couple weeks ago, but wanted to wait until I had my emotions fully under control before making this post.
NOTE: my emotions are totally, fully under control. It's not like I have incredibly vivid ASoIaF-inspired dreams every night, and wake up crying. Not at all.

***needless to say, this post will contain spoilers for the entire ASoIaF series***

Recently I came across this interview with EW:
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

GRRM is the biggest troll on the internets.
Thank god I don't live near Santa Fe, or he'd be getting one of these.

I can't EVEN. Like I can't even talk about this. LALALALA Jon is not dead whatever I don't care what you think or the evidence against me. I DON'T CARE. I'm totally apathetic.

 Basically as apathetic as I was about this one dying.


Oh you freakishly beautiful man. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

.......Okay maybe I'm not totally apathetic.
BRB while I burn all of my books in my grief.
(So you know how I originally said this post was going to be about how I feel about ADwD? I lied. It's about a beautiful man named Jon Snow.)

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